
Rocky Coulee - Vantage, WA hike

Nov 3, 2013 12:02 pm
by lynneh
Trailhead at end of old Hwy 10, Vantage - Rocky Coulee area. Park by the road; no permits required. Trail is combination of rocky old vehicle road and animal trails. Oftentimes, need to make your own trail as you head up. Great views of the Columbia River. We saw a couple hunters, so put our dog's bright orange vest on her, and had our own with us just in case it seemed needed. Some rocky scrambles and some relatively easy paths.
Trail goes into WA state lands
Starting out, looking across the Columbia
Beautiful views of the Columbia River
Dog-friendly, off-leash - but watch out for those cliffs!
Roxie wearing her hunter's orange vest - barely standing out in the shrub steppe
Click http://rblr.co/A5W8 to see more details.

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